Search results for: 'Fire painting of gr santosh information about painting'
ExhibitionsPrabhakar Barwe: Between Object and SpaceAs low as $1.00
Prabhakar Barwe (1936-95) could well have ended up a theoretician whose book 'Kora Canvas' (Blank Canvas) was a manifesto that established the multi-dimensional relationship between an artist, the object on which he paints, and his subjects. That he was not just an intellectual scholar but an artist whose work speaks for him, is evident through a range of works in which Barwe dissects our understanding of the world and how we view it. Taking commonplace objects and our perception of their existence in the space they occupy, he shifts the dialogue to a point of discomfiture that makes us question our understanding of them. Using scale, discordant juxtapositions, and displacements, he reimagines the everyday in a manner that is thought-provoking, even provocative, as alternate realities—whether perceived or imagined.
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JournalPersonalising the Epics: Amar Nath Sehgal's 'Mythologies'$0.00
The India International Centre at New Delhi, in collaboration with the Amar Nath Sahgal Trust, presented a large suite of works by Amar Nath Sahgal (1922—2007), one of post-independent India’s foremost sculptors, in order to celebrate his centenary year in March 2023.
JournalNatvar Bhavsar: Cosmic Whispers$0.00‘Navtar Bhavsar: Cosmic Whispers’ opened on 1 March, featuring the art’s artworks which contributed to significantly to the discourse on abstractionism in New York and beyond. As part of the exhibition, Navtar Bhavsar speaks on working within the art scene in New York in the 1960s and his various points of reference rooted in Indian culture. Learn More