Search results for: 'The Naked and the Nude The Body in Indian Modern Art'
ArtistsNatvar Bhavsar$0.00Born in an educator’s family on 7 April 1934 in a small town in Gujarat, Natvar Bhavsar studied to be a drawing teacher and began his career in Chanasma. He then joined the C. N. School in Ahmedabad for its five-year diploma course in art offered by Sir J. J. School of Art; simultaneously, he continued to study for his master’s in teaching art. Learn More
JournalTerm of the Month: Provenance$0.00
One of the most important ways in which a work of art is authenticated is by checking its provenance. What does provenance mean and how does it affect the identity of an artwork itself? The concept has evolved historically over the years; below, we try to highlight some of the important aspects of this debate in our recurring series, Argot, that seeks to demystify some of the major ideas from the world of art.
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ArtistsCompany Paintings$0.00
Ethnographic mapping and documentation of a vast country like India was an important part of the political and economic expansion of the East India Company from the middle of the seventeenth century onwards.
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ArtistsKrishen Khanna$0.00Born in Lyallpur in pre-Partition Punjab, Krishen Khanna grew up in Lahore. He studied at Imperial Service College, England, from 1938-42 as a Rudyard Kipling scholar. Returning to Lahore for a course in English literature at the Government College, he simultaneously took evening classes at the Mayo School of Art. Khanna briefly worked as a printer at Kapur Art Press, Lahore, before his family moved to Simla upon Partition. He worked at the Grindlays Bank in Bombay and Madras from 1946-61, subsequently resigning from his job to devote himself to art. Learn More
Events and ProgrammesMumbai Gallery Weekend$1.00
The exhibition presents views of the ancient city of Benares (now Varanasi) as depicted by foreign artists in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
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Events and ProgrammesSituating the Scene$1.00
Feminist collective Samuho navigates the interplay between the interior and exterior lives of women at the cusp of nineteenth century reform movements through a performance-installation inspired by Shreepantha’s Keyabat Meye and the tradition of Prahasan.
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