Aranya Kanda

Aranya Kanda

Aranya Kanda

Laxman Pai

Aranya Kanda




34.0 x 52.0 in. / 86.4 x 132.1 cm.


Oil on canvas

Laxman Pai in Aranya Kanda recreates the ‘forest episode’ of Ramayana, showing visual vignettes from the episode, comprising the lives of Ram, Sita and Lakshman in the forest, and the subsequent abduction of Sita by Ravana. The demonic-looking Ravana with his sword; another sword suggesting Surpanakha’s nose getting cut off; Ravana disguised as an ascetic; Sita’s face and hands revealed within the confines of a frame resembling a hut; the golden deer; Jatayu’s injured wings; vaanar sena—all these elements come together in this compelling painting.

Aranya Kanda
Aranya Kanda
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Art Artist Names Single Laxman Pai

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