Untitled (Kulu Valley)

Untitled (Kulu Valley)

Untitled (Kulu Valley)

K. S. Kulkarni

Untitled (Kulu Valley)




22.0 x 15.0 in. / 55.9 x 38.1 cm.


Watercolour and ink on handmade paper

The very versatile and gifted K. S. Kulkarni worked across genres and styles, creating works in a visual language that could strongly be identified as his own. His painting style was remarkable for its strong impulse and poetic expression, as is evident in this watercolour. Through fluid brushstrokes in the expressionistic manner, Kulkarni captured the atmospherics of the valley in this charming landscape: the distinct blue sky of the Himalayas, the tall pines and poplars, a gurgling stream, and the only man-made structure—a bridge—dwarfed by nature’s creations.

Untitled (Kulu Valley)
Untitled (Kulu Valley)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single K. S. Kulkarni

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