Java Dancer

Java Dancer

Java Dancer


Java Dancer




11.0 x 7.2 in. / 27.9 x 18.3 cm.


Ink, waterproof ink and gouache on paper

Chittaprosad’s interest in the mid-1940s in folk arts and street theatre began with his association with I. P. T. A. (Indian People’s Theatre Association) that in turn led him to take a closer look at Javanese masks and puppets. The bold, folk-like depiction of the line, the exaggerated use of black juxtaposed with interesting colour schemes, and the sheer movement and rhythm of the dancers that he depicted in works such as Java Dancer, resulted in imagery of global significance and sensibility.

published references

Mallik, Sanjoy Kumar, Chittaprosad: A Retrospective, 1915-1978 (New Delhi: DAG, 2011), p. 436

Java Dancer
Java Dancer
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Chittaprosad

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