Search results for: 'History of india and indian nail'
Events and ProgrammesPhotograph: Material Matters$1.00
A visit to Studio Goppo in Santiniketan to learn the process of wet plate collodion, which was used to develop photographs in 19th and early 20th century India, with the artist and pedagogue Arpan Mukherjee.
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ArtistsGeorge Chinnery$0.00
English painter George Chinnery, who spent almost his entire career in the East and is today celebrated for his Oriental pictures of idyllic, daily scenes from India and China, was born in London on 7 January 1774.
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Institutional CollaborationsKripal: The Art of Kripal Singh Shekhawat$1.00
Kripal Singh Shekhawat of Jaipur worked his entire life to bridge the gap between the vernacular and the contemporary, combining what was considered the craft of a kumhar—potter—with the fine art of miniature painting. He paved a new path for a pioneering social and aesthetic mode of life in twentieth century India.
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ArtistsRanbir Singh Kaleka$0.00Born in Patiala, Punjab, in 1953, Ranbir Kaleka earned a diploma in painting from Punjab University’s College of Art in Chandigarh. He spent the next few years teaching at Punjab University and College of Art, New Delhi, before leaving for London on a Charles Wallace scholarship to study at Royal College of Art from 1985-87. He stayed on in London for several years and returned to India in the late 1990s. Learn More
ArtistsNicholas Roerich$0.00One of the nine National Treasure artists of India, Russia-born Nicholas Roerich was not just a painter but a stage designer for ballets, an explorer, writer, and philosopher. As a painter, he is best remembered for his ethereal paintings of the mist-laden and wispy Himalayas, done mostly in tempera or oil. These paintings remain some of the best works celebrating the mighty mountain range. Learn More
ArtistsNagji Patel$0.00Born in Gujarat to a family of farmers, Nagji Patel grew up making clay toys as part of playing with village children. He joined the painting course at Faculty of Fine Arts, M. S. University, Baroda, but eventually switched to sculpture, which he found less daunting than painting. He obtained an M.F.A. in sculpture in 1964 and in the same year won a travelling scholarship from the Government of India, which allowed him to visit quarries across the country and interact with stone carvers. Learn More
ArtistsMukul Dey$0.00India’s first creatively trained printmaker and pioneer of dry point etching in the country, Mukul Chandra Dey was born on 23 July 1895 in Sridharkhola, Bengal. He joined Santiniketan’s Brahmacharya Ashram school at the age of eleven and trained in art under the Tagore family stalwarts, becoming a close associate of Abanindranath Tagore. Learn More
ArtistsK. G. Subramanyan$0.00Born in Kerala on 15 February 1924, K. G. Subramanyan was studying economics at the Presidency College, Madras, when he joined India’s struggle for freedom, and was imprisoned and debarred from government colleges. Learn More
ArtistsChittaprosad$0.00A self-taught artist, poet, storyteller, and an active member of the Communist Party of India, Chittaprosad was born on 21 June 1915. He drew inspiration from village sculptors, artisans and puppeteers. Learn More
ArtistsA. H. Müller$0.00Archibald Herman Müller, born of German parentage in Cochin, Kerala, on 11 March 1878, lived and worked in India. He joined the Madras School of Art and received early recognition as an artist. Learn More
JournalTerm Of The Month: The Diagonal Method$0.00
As one of India’s most well-known artists, Tyeb Mehta still commands our attention for his commitment to experimentation. His ‘Diagonal series’ established him as a dynamic figure within the world of modern art, but how did this diagonal method come to be an important tool of composition in the last century? It all started with the invention of another compoitional tool called the 'rule of thirds'. Read below as we explore the origins of this artistic tool and see how it has evolved over time.
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