Search results for: 'DAG dates for M F Husa'
JournalInvocation - 27 by Sohan Qadri$1.00
Sohan Qadri was truly a global artist whose travels and practice spanned India, its Himalayan neighbours, Africa, Europe and Canada. His paintings can be summed up as yantras that serve as visual meditation tools. Invocation – 27 is a vibrant sea of yellow ochre with a band of blue in the middle. A captivating work, Geeti Sen explains, the painting serves to offer viewers a profound experience of transformation and self-discovery.
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JournalToits (Rooftops) by S. H. Raza$1.00
S. H. Raza had begun to paint using oils, moving away from his impressionistic watercolours, on his way to winning the prestigious critics’ award in 1956. Just a year before, he completed a stunning painting of Parisian rooftops, revealing not a daylight scene but one of the night, only yellow lamplight from the streets dimly silhouetting the chimneys and sloping roofs. This period of Raza’s career is somewhat lesser known than his later, tantra-inspired works, as Ashok Vajpeyi and Aman Nath explain to us.
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Events and ProgrammesCurator's Take$1.00
A guided walk of the exhibition with the curator and contributing writers, exploring the lesser-known narratives of the Independence movement.
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JournalShanti Dave: Neither Earth nor Sky$1.00
Curator Jesal Thacker and art writer Meera Menezes speak about Shanti Dave’s art practice and choice of medium that allowed several elements to come together in his encaustic paintings and layered watercolours.
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JournalTipu Sultan: Image & Distance$0.00A talk by academician and author Prof. Dr. Vandana Bhandari on Costumes and Textiles from the 18th Century Mysore. Learn More
Events and ProgrammesSora Brittanto$1.00
A visit to Taherpur, Nadia for a workshop on the practices and genealogies of Sora-making with artists Ratan Paul and Gopal Paul, and artist-writer Dipankar Parui.
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Events and ProgrammesPhotograph: Horizons$1.00
A photographic expedition around Kolkata with contemporary artist Surajit Mudi and his portable box camera and mobile studio.
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Events and ProgrammesPhotograph: Histories$1.00
A participatory reading and activity session with researcher Shreya Mukherjee to explore analogue photography of the 19th and early 20th century and the revival or adaptation of the medium in contemporary art.
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Events and ProgrammesPigment: Histories$1.00
Conversations, sketches and readings on Benode Behari Mukherjee’s practice and his experiments with pigment making, with Sampurna Chakraborty.
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