Search results for: 'Ray Working in His Study'
ArtistsTyeb Mehta$0.00It is ironical that works by Tyeb Mehta, who did not attach much merit to the financial value of art, were the first by a living Indian artist to sell for more than Rs 1 crore, and, soon, for more than a million dollars, indicating a beginning of interest in Indian art in the international market. His works Celebration, Kali and Mahishasura marked the beginning of the boom in the Indian art market at the start of this century. Learn More
Collection StoriesA Tryst with Destiny: A Visual Journey$1.00
Colonization is perhaps best understood as a process that unfolded over time than as a single historical event. In India and South Asia it began with the East India Company acquiring rights over land in different parts of the country, with the occasional political victories won on the battlefields. Since the Battle of Plassey (1757), their power over legislative and judicial matters grew steadily, backed by a strong military presence. Following the First War of Independence in 1857, the British Crown brought most parts of the Indian subcontinent under its direct rule, continuing to hold power until 1947.
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JournalChittaprosad by Nadia Samdani$1.00
Chittaprosad couldn’t have created a more germane work in honour of the people who successfully fought their oppressors to create an independent nation. A close examination of his masterpiece, Bangladesh War, reveals the artist’s use of symbols of hope against persecution and domination, art collector and philanthropist Nadia Samdani tells us.
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JournalAn Evening with Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia$1.00
Guests joined DAG for an enchanting flute recital by internationally acclaimed Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia and a curatorial walk-through of Delhi Durbar: Empire, Display and the Possession of History by historians and curators Rana Safvi and Swapna Liddle.
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JournalDebating secularism in South Asian Art with Tapati Guha-Thakurta$0.00
This collection of essays, co-edited by eminent scholars of art history, Tapati Guha-Thakurta and Vazira Zamindar, navigate the fraught religio-political contexts of South Asia to bring into relief the fragility and amorphous nature of a contested term like the ‘secular’.
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JournalWilliam Dalrymple and Giles Tillotson$0.00
Tipu Sultan’s historical legacy has led to several conversations, among which its visual inheritance has provided room for debate on its particularly skewed European view. Catch our guest speaker William Dalrymple’s reflections on this subject.
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JournalShobhaa De on Sailoz Mookherjea$0.00'Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2' opened on 11 February, featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, Shobhaa De reflects on Sailoz Mookherjea’s painting created ten years after the tragedy of Hiroshima-Nagasaki, drawing attention to the motifs and textures which convey a sense of fractured time affecting his personal and political worlds. Learn More
JournalChittrovanu Mazumdar on Nirode Mazumdar$0.00'Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2' opened on 11 February, featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, Chittrovanu Mazumdar explores the sense of rhythm in his father Nirode Mazumdar’s ‘Boitorini Series’, drawing attention to how its controlled colour palette depicts the flow of life in the metaphor of a river that one must cross during one’s lifetime. Learn More
JournalConscious Collecting with Asia Art Archive and Durjoy Rahman$0.00
What is the role of collectors and collections or archives in the world of art today? Does it simply allude to practices of producing a consumable past today or does it also aspire to question the ways in which history has been shaped by powerful interventions in the form of artworks, performances and installations? In this series of conversations, we wanted to explore the idea of collecting recent or contemporary art—and how it inevitably takes us back to the moderns who influenced such practices heavily.
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JournalDr. Tapati Guha-Thakurta on Nandalal Bose$1.00'Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2' opened on 11 February, featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, Tapati Guha-Thakurta discusses Nandalal Bose seminal role in cultivating a new ethos of art practice at Kala Bhavan and reflects on his untitled work commonly known as ‘The Artist’s Studio’ drawn in the caricaturist mode. Learn More
JournalThe Art of Rabin Mondal$0.00A great admirer of Indian modernist Rabin Mondal's works and curator of ‘Kingdom of Exile, a major retrospective on the artist, Kishore Singh of DAG is joined by Ina Puri, documentarian, collector and an old acquaintance of the artist as, together, they explore the circumstances of Mondal’s painterly life, particularly his vaunted King Series. A set of eight powerful paintings on the theme and hubris of power, now going on view at the upcoming Art Dubai 2022 Learn More