Search results for: 'history of a'
ExhibitionsManifestations 5: 75 ArtistsAs low as $1.00
The fifth edition in the Manifestations series continues the tradition of showcasing the very best of Indian modern art. Seventy-five artists feature in Manifestations 5, bringing together the country’s best known and most established modern artists. To reduce the work of one whole century (give or take a few decades more or less) could be flawed, for this most dynamic period in Indian art history covers many genres, styles, mediums, and influences, and is difficult to paraphrase, especially in the absence of a theme for the collection. It is for this reason that the selection has to be incisive, open to change till the very end, where the addition, or deletion, can change the contextual bird’s eye-view we hope to provide in every series. The exhibition is accompanied by our traditional publication that helps to create a comprehensive understanding about the exhibition’s curatorial decisions. A. H. Muller Altaf Ambadas Amit Ambalal Amitava Arpita Singh Avinash Chandra Badri Narayan Bhupen Khakhar Bikash Bhattacharjee Bimal Dasgupta Biren De Bireswar Sen C. Douglas Chintamani Kar Chittaprosad D. P. Roy Chowdhury Dhanraj Bhagat Dharamnarayan Dasgupta F. N. Souza G. R. Santosh Ganesh Haloi Ganesh Pyne Gogi Saroj Pal Gopal Ghose Himmat Shah Indra Dugar J. C. Seal J. Sultan Ali J. Swaminathan Jamini Roy Jeram Patel Jogen Chowdhury Jyoti Bhatt K. C. S. Panicker K. H. Ara K. K. Hebbar K. Laxma Goud K. S. Kulkarni Krishen Khanna Kshitindranath Majumdar L. Munuswamy Lalu Prasad Shaw Laxman Pai M. F. Husain M. V. Dhurandhar Nandalal Bose Navjot Nikhil Biswas P. Khemraj Paritosh Sen Partha Pratim Deb Prabhakar Barwe Prodosh Das Gupta Prokash Karmakar Prosanto Roy Rabin Mondal Rabindranath Tagore Rameshwar Broota Ramkinkar Baij Rekha Rodwittiya S. H. Raza S. L. Haldankar Satish Gujral Shobha Broota Sohan Qadri Sunil Das Sunil Madhav Sen Surendran Nair V. S. Gaitonde Vasudha Thozhur Ved Nayar Viswanadhan Vivan Sundaram Zarina Hashmi
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ExhibitionsBIRDS OF INDIAAs low as $1.00
Works of art made by Indian artists for Western patrons in the early colonial period are what we now call Company Painting. The artists, who might otherwise have worked for an Indian court, sought new markets among those employed in various capacities by the European trading companies, and especially the British East India Company. Some patrons supplied the artists with new materials such as European-made paper and transparent watercolour pigments, and expressed preferences regarding subject matter, leading to new departures in both style and substance in Indian art. One of the most delightful genres of Company Painting was natural history: images of India’s plants, animals, and birds. Company Painting Company Paintings British Era
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March to Freedom re-interprets the well-known story of the Indian freedom struggle and anticolonial movement through works of art and some historic artefacts. Drawn from the collections of DAG, they range from eighteenth and nineteenth century European paintings and prints, to lesser known works by Indian artists that merit greater recognition, alongside some iconic pieces. Rather than following the usual chronological path, the story is structured around eight themes. Each represents one arena, or stage, on which the anti-colonial struggle took place, to expand the story beyond politics, politicians, and battles (which also feature). Conceived to commemorate and celebrate the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, this visual journey seeks to do more. For even as we remember the struggles, the sacrifices, and the stories, such anniversaries are also occasions for reflection, including upon the scholarship that has developed on South Asian history. Some of the latter may be familiar to academics, or those with special interests. For most of the rest of us, our knowledge of this past is derived in large part from hazy memories of school lessons, which change from one generation to the next, and are influenced by concurrent national politics. We also learn from narratives on offer through public channels or in the media, to mark moments of national remembrance or controversy.
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ExhibitionsThe Centum Series Edition 2As low as $1.00
Indian art defies any easily tailored silos to carve for itself a confident assertion of its own identity within a global context, while being a part of its larger assimilative journey. it is this rich legacy of Indian modernism that we hope to explore with The Centum Series which opens a window to the tantalising glimpse of the extraoridnary depth and breadth of its scope and variety. Round numbers are attractive, so we picked one hundred as our choice for this medley of artists and artworks that offers you a unique opportunity to acquire Indian modern art at attractive prices specially tailored for this sale. J. Sultan Ali Altaf Ambadas Amit Ambalal Amitava Anonymous (Early Bengal) Anonymous (Kalighat Pat) Dattatraya Apte B. N. Arya Radha Charan Bagchi Ramkinkar Baij S. K. Bakre Maniklal Banerjee Ananda Moy Banerji Prabhakar Barwe R. B. Bhaskaran Jyoti Bhatt Bikash Bhattacharjee Nikhil Biswas Nandalal Bose Eric Bowen Shobha Broota Vasundhara Tewari Broota Sakti Burman Ramendranath Chakravorty Kanchan Chander Avinash Chandra Sankho Chaudhuri Chittaprosad Jagmohan Chopra Jogen Chowdhury M. A. R. Chughtai Thomas Daniell Arup Das Prodosh Das Gupta Haren Das Sunil Das Bimal Dasgupta Shanti Dave Partha Pratim Deb Jagadish Dey Mukul Dey Rajendra Dhawan Indra Dugar Gopal Ghose Nemai Ghosh Subba Ghosh Bipin Behari Goswami K. Laxma Goud Satish Gujral Ajit Gupta S. L. Haldankar Somnath Hore M. F. Husain Prokash Karmakar Sudhir Khastgir P. Khemraj Bose Krishnamachari K. S. Kulkarni Ram Kumar Walter Langhammer Pradip Maitra Hemanta Misra Dhruva Mistry Rabin Mondal A. H. Müller L. Munuswamy V. Nageshkar Reddeppa Naidu S. Nandagopal Ved Nayar Akbar Padamsee Laxman Pai Gogi Saroj Pal Rm. Palaniappan M. K. Parandekar Madhvi Parekh Manu Parekh R. N. Pasricha Ganesh Pyne Sohan Qadri K. S. Radhakrishnan A. A. Raiba Krishna Reddy P. T. Reddy Rekha Rodwittiya Jamini Roy Prosanto Roy G. R. Santosh Paritosh Sen Nataraj Sharma Lalu Prasad Shaw Shuvaprasanna Paramjeet Singh F. N. Souza Anupam Sud Thota Vaikuntam S. G. Vasudev Jai Zharotia Moti Zharotia
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JournalThe Last Effort and Fall of Tippoo Sultaun by Henry Singleton$1.00
Henry Singleton’s The Last Effort and Fall of Tippoo Sultaun belongs to a genre known as history painting: the depiction of important historical events, usually on a large scale, as if they were playing out in front of one’s eyes. Author and parliamentarian Shashi Tharoor and art historian Giles Tillotson explain the lively imagination deployed in Singleton’s painting that depicts the British assault on Seringapatam and the killing of its ruler, Tipu Sultan—himself the source of so many stories that it was difficult to unravel the truth from the many falsities spun by the biased colonial administration and historians of the time.
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JournalDebating secularism in South Asian Art with Tapati Guha-Thakurta$0.00
This collection of essays, co-edited by eminent scholars of art history, Tapati Guha-Thakurta and Vazira Zamindar, navigate the fraught religio-political contexts of South Asia to bring into relief the fragility and amorphous nature of a contested term like the ‘secular’.
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JournalConscious Collecting with Asia Art Archive and Durjoy Rahman$0.00
What is the role of collectors and collections or archives in the world of art today? Does it simply allude to practices of producing a consumable past today or does it also aspire to question the ways in which history has been shaped by powerful interventions in the form of artworks, performances and installations? In this series of conversations, we wanted to explore the idea of collecting recent or contemporary art—and how it inevitably takes us back to the moderns who influenced such practices heavily.
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JournalTerm of the Month: Figure Drawing$0.00
The advent of abstraction is a defining moment in art history as we devise divisions between representational, figurative, and abstract art, with the need arising from this pivotal formal shift in the modern world. The term ‘figurative’ has come to represent an antithesis of sorts to the term abstract. One is representational of reality, the latter a derived (abstracted) representation or even non-representational (colour-field paintings for example).
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ExhibitionsArt Exhibitions$0.00
DAG has been a pioneer in curating exhibitions that have historical significance. These have ranged from themes around different genres and art movements to artist retrospectives as well as engagements with forgotten masters. Most exhibitions are sourced from its own inventory and in recent years DAG has begun to explore eighteenth and nineteenth century art and artists in addition to its presence as a stakeholder of twentieth century art. Exhibitions are routinely organised at its galleries in New Delhi, Mumbai, and New York, as well as in collaboration with museums and other institutions. All exhibitions are accompanied by well researched and designed books, adding considerably to the documentation of Indian art history.
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Teaching Through ArtFables of Freedom$1.00
A project idea on using artworks as prompts to write about the figures in the freedom movement marginalized in or left out of the history books.
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JournalAn Evening with Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia$1.00
Guests joined DAG for an enchanting flute recital by internationally acclaimed Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia and a curatorial walk-through of Delhi Durbar: Empire, Display and the Possession of History by historians and curators Rana Safvi and Swapna Liddle.
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JournalRadical as a way of Being: Inaugural Contemporary Fellow Nalini Malani at London's National Gallery$0.00
What is the role of collectors and collections or archives in the world of art today? Does it simply allude to practices of producing a consumable past today or does it also aspire to question the ways in which history has been shaped by powerful interventions in the form of artworks, performances and installations? In this series of conversations, we wanted to explore the idea of collecting recent or contemporary art—and how it inevitably takes us back to the moderns who influenced such practices heavily.
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