Untitled (Maa Kali Series)

Untitled (Maa Kali Series)

Untitled (Maa Kali Series)

Biswanath Mukerji

Untitled (Maa Kali Series)




7.0 × 5.0 in.


Gouache and ink on card pasted on mount board

Folk art was a prominent influence in the works of Biswanath Mukerji. A prolific artist, his output over a forty-year career was immense and he contributed significantly to popularising art among the public. This Untitled work from the Maa Kali series seems to be painted from the reference of tribal art, almost indigenously rooted. It is painted in a style that seems to convey a complex set of ideas that ‘sophisticated’ art may sometimes lack. It’s in its seemingly simplistic, naïve style that the work becomes profound, spontaneous.

Untitled (Maa Kali Series)
Untitled (Maa Kali Series)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Biswanath Mukerji

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