Fisherman of Souls I

Fisherman of Souls I

Fisherman of Souls I

Anupam Sud

Fisherman of Souls I




14.0 x 10.0 in. / 35.6 x 25.4 cm.


Watercolour on paper

Anupam Sud has never denied the agency of the human body in her work, with nude female and male representations finding a prominent voice in her paintings and etchings. This well-proportioned male figure has his back to the viewer and holds a net in one hand as a fisherman might. But an inscription at the bottom of the painting informs us that the fisherman in question harvests not fish but souls. What his intended purpose is she does not share, but he is certainly no demonic figure for one to fear—merely a manifestation of ageing and time that are inevitable in the human cycle of evolution and death.

Fisherman of Souls I
Fisherman of Souls I
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Art Artist Names Single Anupam Sud

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