Between the Two Thieves

Between the Two Thieves

Between the Two Thieves

Haren Das

Between the Two Thieves




13.7 x 9.5 in. / 34.8 x 24.1 cm.


Etching on paper

This is a highly unusual work from the repertoire of Haren Das whose entire oeuvre—almost—focused on capturing la vie quotidienne of the idyllic Bengal countryside. Borrowing from the imagery of Christian iconography, Das depicts here Jesus along with the two unnamed thieves from Luke’s account of the crucifixion in the New Testament, with the one to his right referred to as the ‘Good Thief’ and the other as the ‘Unrepentant Thief’. In this etching, Das recreates the imagery with popular Christian iconography of medieval times.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., Indian Divine: Gods & Goddesses in 19th and 20th Century Modern Art (New Delhi: DAG, 2014), p. 135

Between the Two Thieves
Between the Two Thieves
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Haren Das

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