Search results for: 'king soloman and s'
ArtistsEarly Bengal Oils$0.00A large number of anonymous oils on religious and mythological themes began to emerge in Bengal in the late eighteenth–early nineteenth century from the French colony of Chandernagore and the Dutch colony of Chinsurah. Variously called French or Dutch Bengal oils, they also came from other areas like Chitpur and Garanhata localities of Calcutta and thus came to be known as Early Bengal Oils. Learn More
JournalRadical as a way of Being: Inaugural Contemporary Fellow Nalini Malani at London's National Gallery$0.00
What is the role of collectors and collections or archives in the world of art today? Does it simply allude to practices of producing a consumable past today or does it also aspire to question the ways in which history has been shaped by powerful interventions in the form of artworks, performances and installations? In this series of conversations, we wanted to explore the idea of collecting recent or contemporary art—and how it inevitably takes us back to the moderns who influenced such practices heavily.
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JournalTasneem Zakaria Mehta on M.V. Dhurandhar$0.00'Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2' opened on 11 February, featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, Tasneem Zakaria Mehta reflects on M.V Dhurandhar’s mythological painting of Usha and Anirudhdha’s union, drawing attention to the grace and fluidity that suffuse his expert rendition of form along with his mastery over capturing the intricate details of women’s dresses. Learn More
JournalA Portrait of our People$0.00
This exhbition explored the evolution of the genre of portrait painting in India. Curated by Pramod Kumar KG, it was specially created for Drishyakala, a joint collaboration between DAG and the Archaeological Survey of India, at Red Fort, Delhi. Visitors came face to face with dazzling canvases, expressive watercolours and early prints of people known and unknown in this extraordinary exhibition.
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Collection StoriesThe City as a Museum, Kolkata—A Visual Journey$1.00
DAG Museum’s annual festival ‘The City as a Museum’ attempts to explore the various archives, communities and artistic traditions that cohere around the life of a city. Put together, they tell different stories about the city across time and space, from the point of view of neighbourhoods, collections and institutions, but not just limited to those either.
In order to learn more about this unique programme that seeks to explore heritage outside the walls of a traditional gallery or museum, read on!
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Teaching Through ArtTipoo: The man and the myth$1.00
A creative response guide on exploring multiple historical perspectives through artworks and archival material on the fall of Tipoo Sultan.
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JournalArtists (Un)Scripted – Anupam Sud$0.00India’s foremost printmaker, Anupam Sud is perhaps also the country’s most well-known. What has tethered her to the democratic medium of printmaking—against all odds, needless to say—is a reason worth discovering in this short video in which the artist muses over her motivations and practice. Learn More
JournalThe Story of Bengal Art - Part 1$0.00The Story of Bengal Art presents a panoramic view of the evolution of visual arts in the region. The story of the first episode, presented by artist, academic, and curator, Dr. Paula Sengupta, begins in the late 18th century with the arrival of the first European traveling artists. The series was shot in the majestic galleries of DAG's Ghare Baire museum-exhibition at Kolkata's Currency Building. Learn More
Collection StoriesUNTITLED (RADHA AS QUEEN)$1.00
Radha is painted as a queen in this Early Bengal oil painting, surrounded by her fellow Gopis (cowherds and companions) and Krishna—her divine consort and an incarnation of one of the Hindu trinity—dressed as a sentinel. She sits on her royal throne amid a forest landscape, perhaps recalling her identification as Vrindavaneshwari (goddess of Vrindavan). Going by the small but remarkable details of the jewellery, we can guess that it is the work of an artist trained in the miniature tradition. But does the painting hide other possible secrets?
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Events and ProgrammesSandesh-er Sandhane$1.00
A walk and demonstration through the markets of Chitpur Road with historian Jayanta Sengupta and the DAG team to follow the trail from milk to sandesh, and meet the people who contribute to this enduring craft.
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