Search results for: 'Home i'
ExhibitionsHome is a PlaceAs low as $1.00
'Home is a Place’ explores the visual world of the home as a physical space having both an exterior and an interior—with all its magic, hope and memories—in villages and towns. Our homes are central to our existence and society, being the reason for shaping towns and countries, civilisations and histories. The exhibition covers the complexity of lives within the jurisdiction of the home—women at their toilettes, women painted alone gazing out of the window or gossiping in a group; figures working in their library, engaged in household work, or as parents bathing children; a family posing together or feuding over a game of cards, food or egos; and those fighting tyranny or painted as embracing lovers. Altaf Ambika Dhurandhar Amit Ambalal Anonymous Anonymous (Kalighat Pat) Anonymous (Waring & Gillow) Avinash Chandra Badri Narayan Bijan Choudhary Chakravorty Chittaprosad Dattatraya Apte Dhanraj Bhagat G. R. Santosh Ganesh Pyne Gogi Saroj Pal Gopal Ghose Haren Das Hemen Mazumdar Hiranmoy Indra Dugar Indu Rakshit Jagadish Dey Jagmohan Chopra Jamini Roy Jyoti Bhatt K. C. S. Paniker K. S. Kulkarni Kisory Roy M. A. R. Chughtai M. Bulkley M. F. Husain M. V. Dhurandhar Madhvi Parekh Maniklal Banerjee N. R. Sardesai Nandalal Bose Navjot Nemai Ghosh P. T. Reddy Partha Pratim Deb Piraji Sagara Prabhakar Barwe R. B. Bhaskaran Rabin Mondal Radha Charan Bagchi Ramendranath Rekha Rodwittiya Roychaudhuri S S. K. Bakre Sadequain Sakti Burman Sanat Kar Shanti Dave Shyamal Dutta Ray Somnath Hore Subba Ghosh V. A. Mali V. Nageshkar Ved Nayar Abani Sen Paritosh Sen Sunil Madhav Sen Sushil Chandra Sen Nataraj Sharma Shuvaprasanna Muni Singh Paramjeet Singh Paramjit Singh S. G. Thakar Singh Sobha Singh Satish Sinha F. N. Souza K. G. Subramanyan Anupam Sud L. N. Taskar Vasudha Thozhur
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ExhibitionsNatvar Bhavsar: HomecomingAs low as $1.00
It is strange that Natvar Bhavsar, one of Indian art’s leading names, should never have been shown in India before. Having lived and worked in USA from 1962 onwards, it remains a mystery why his work has been seen in America but almost not at all in India. In spite of a few eminent collectors who have his work, Bhavsar has remained inexplicably ignored—an anomaly DAG is happy to correct with this seminal exhibition.
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Events and ProgrammesA World Within a Home$1.00
An intimate evening at the home of the artist Shanu Lahiri, featuring stories about the family collection and archive told by a family member, and looking at the close-knit world of Calcutta’s creative community post-independence.
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JournalAn Elsewhere Homeland: Sayed Haider Raza’s Iconic Masterpiece$0.00
‘Raza was in some ways an earth painter—someone to whom earth mattered both as a constant presence and an irrepressible memory.’ Ashok Vajpeyi looks at the natural mechanics of Sayed Haider Raza’s abstractions, tracing his relationship with landscape and art.
ExhibitionsLiving Traditions & The Art of Jamini RoyAs low as $1.00
Jamini Roy’s was an art of quiet resistance that assimilated so seamlessly into the folk and craft traditions of Bengal that it did not cause any discernible ripples among the prevalent artistic mood. All around him, art was being nurtured, questioned, uprooted—it was, after all, a period when nationalist feelings ran high and a search for an indigenous lexicon was paramount—but Jaminida’s ability to look to tradition for a modern approach, though revolutionary, was instinctively natural and organic. It was art that everyone understood and wanted to take home. No wonder Jamini babu became a household name in his native Calcutta and went on to be honoured as one of the pre-eminent National Treasure artists of the country whose art has the greatest acceptance of any known Indian modernist.
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ExhibitionsMemory & IdentityAs low as $1.00
Much of Indian modernism is enriched by the work that some of its best known artists produced after they had left the country, choosing as home another land. F. N. Souza was among the first to leave, in 1949, to head for London, where a successful practice catapulted him to the top of Britain’s artists. He was followed, in 1950, by S. H. Raza, who settled in Paris, winning the coveted critics’ award (Prix de la critique) in 1956, while others such as Krishna Reddy (Paris and New York), S. K. Bakre (London), Sakti Burman (Paris), Avinash Chandra (London and New York), Mohan Samant (New York), Natvar Bhavsar (New York), V. Viswanadhan (Paris), Sohan Qadri (Copenhagen), Rajendra Dhawan (Paris), Eric Bowen (Oslo), Ambadas (Oslo), and Zarina Hashmi (New York), followed in the 1950s-70s. These fourteen artists, with their diverse styles and concerns in art making, are masters lauded for the sheer range of responses to their environment that their work has registered. However, the question this exhibition forefronts, as its curator Kishore Singh asks, is: ‘Does the artist’s ethnic identity mean art too has an ethnic identity?’ Ambadas Avinash Chandra Eric Bowen F. N. Souza Krishna Reddy Mohan Samant Natvar Bhavsar Rajendra Dhawan S. H. Raza S. K. Bakre Sakti Burman Sohan Qadri V. Viswanadhan Zarina Hashmi
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ExhibitionsAvinash Chandra: HumanscapesAs low as $1.00
This is the first-ever retrospective of the Indian modern artist Avinash Chandra who lived most of his life in the West, in London and New York. The artist, who had trained in New Delhi, left soon after for London, and most of his practice was limited to London and New York, the two cities he called his home till his unfortunately early death in 1991. In the roughly three-and-a-half decades of his career, Avinash’s work changed amazingly, reflecting his environment and milieu as he grew and adapted to cities vastly different from their Indian counterparts, with their own sub-cultures. That this happily coincided with a discovery of India, however superfluously, as a land of spirituality and sexuality, seemed to serve him well as his muse.
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Collection StoriesSYNCRETISM IN BENGAL ART$1.00
As a region that is home to many religions and cultures, South Asia has been a fertile ground for art that blends different styles, ideas, and influences. Conquest, migration, or friendly exchange of cultural ideas and values—be it in the visual arts, food, or politics—all played a part in shaping the region as a melting pot of civilisations. Explore artworks that showcase this syncretic legacy from DAG's museum collection—starting with the early encounters with European realism, the pan-Asian influences on the Bengal School, and beyond.
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JournalThe City as a Museum: Edition 2, Kolkata 2023$0.00
'The City as a Museum' in an annual art and heritage festival by DAG's Museums Programme. The second edition returned to Kolkata to celebrate the city's rich history of artistic practices and exchange. We travelled across the city and beyond to heritage spaces, artists' homes, and rare collections through unique walks, workshops, talks, performances and more. Explore a snapshot of this journey through photographs by Parameshwar Halder.
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JournalThe Painters’ Camera: Husain and Mehta's Moving Images$0.00Twenty years after India’s independence, Films Division, the government’s documentary and propaganda filmmaking body, was seeking to re-invent itself. It had the mandate of recording the nation’s history on film. It was also a project of moulding the citizen through films that were screened in cinema theatres, before the entertainment feature. The films covered varied subjects from development, self-reliance, social issues, to art and culture, making them an invaluable archive of the Indian state’s record of the nation’s history as a modern, progressive nation. The films remained largely unpopular, like homework, among the unwilling audience of people who waited for the entertainment film to follow the documentary. Learn More
ExhibitionsTipu SultanAs low as $1.00
An extraordinary exhibition of paintings, prints, maps and other objects, curated by Giles Tillotson, that recounts a visual history of the Mysore Wars between the East India Company and Tipu Sultan, this DAG exhibition explores how the narrative might have changed 222 years after the siege of Seringapatnam. The images, based on the British view of the time, reflect changing perceptions and Indian views on this epic battle and its political and social fallouts. A highlight of the exhibition is a painting by Henry Singleton depicting The Last Effort and Fall of Tippoo Sultaun, among other stellar works, that will be seen in India for the first time. Alexander Allan Cpt. R. Frazer David Wilkie Edward Orme Henry Singleton J. B. Mauzaisse James Hunter Johann Peter Krafft John Smart Mather Brown Obadiah Sherratt Robert Hyde Colebrooke Robert Home Robert Ker Porter Thomas Stothard
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