Untitled (Turmoil Series)

Untitled (Turmoil Series)

Untitled (Turmoil Series)


Untitled (Turmoil Series)




60.0 x 48.0 in. / 152.4 x 121.9 cm.


Oil on canvas

For Altaf, the silencing of a citizenry through adverse laws and authoritarian tendencies was something that was intended to cause damage to individual liberties and freedoms. Here, a face, sewn together like a mask, has a palimpsest-like label stuck across the mouth consisting of ghostly faces who may have suffered for their acts of speaking out. Altaf lent a political sheen to his paintings through his scathing indictment of a society that failed to speak up—a dereliction of its duty to the nation.

Untitled (Turmoil Series)
Untitled (Turmoil Series)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Altaf

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