Untitled (Disaster III)

Untitled (Disaster III)

Untitled (Disaster III)

Suhas Roy

Untitled (Disaster III)




29.0 x 29.0 in. / 73.7 x 73.7 cm.


Enamel on Masonite board

This work by Suhas Roy appears as a study in that the composition seems created to throw light on the body simply for its own sake, without adding any drama, or meaning. Another element that stands out in Untitled (Disaster III) is how the parts of the body seem abstracted when viewed closely. Roy attempts to highlight various parts of the female body without showing the figure’s face, therefore eliminating any personality from the nude, thus, preventing viewers from objectifying the body.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., The Art of Bengal (New Delhi: DAG, 2012), p. 336
Singh, Kishore, ed., The Naked and The Nude: The Body in Indian Modern Art, Edition Two (New Delhi: DAG, 2015), pp. 60, 85

Untitled (Disaster III)
Untitled (Disaster III)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Suhas Roy

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