Man with Cock

Man with Cock

Man with Cock

A. A. Raiba

Man with Cock




31.5 x 24.5 in. / 80.0 x 62.2 cm.


Oil on canvas pasted on plywood

Abdul Aziz Raiba had humble beginnings as he was born into a tailor’s family with very little hope to pursue art professionally. Raiba, however, gained a scholarship to study at the prestigious Sir J. J. School of Art, Bombay, in the Forties, after which his art career took shape. This work from the Sixties shows Raiba’s flair to experiment with unusual themes, bold shapes, and strong outlines. Sexually suggestive, conveying a sense of power, this work exemplifies Raiba’s interest in working on various themes and subjects.

Man with Cock
Man with Cock
More Information
Art Artist Names Single A. A. Raiba

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