Loss of the Cosmos

Loss of the Cosmos

Loss of the Cosmos

A. A. Raiba

Loss of the Cosmos




69.5 x 41.7 in. / 176.5 x 105.9 cm.


Charcoal on tinted paper

A.A. Raiba was drawn to surrealism and sought in in his practice, often uniting sorcery and blind faith into theatrical works of art. This drawing, similar to a painting, uses the trope of a nude female body that appears in various positions and parts of the work in conjunction with celestial bodies, architectural fragments and a drape that serves to conceal the woman’s face in the manner of a mask—no doubt a way that serves to remind us that people are rarely what they appear to be.

Loss of the Cosmos
Loss of the Cosmos
More Information
Art Artist Names Single A. A. Raiba

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