Untitled (Andhra Famine Series)

Untitled (Andhra Famine Series)

Untitled (Andhra Famine Series)

K. Laxma Goud

Untitled (Andhra Famine Series)




26.7 x 16.5 in. / 67.8 x 41.9 cm.


Dry pastel and charcoal on newsprint paper laid on paper

In the unequivocal world that K. Laxma Goud created of the people of Telangana and their lives, it is easy to overlook his academic training and excellence in drawing. Here, Goud brings us an obviously pregnant woman, her full breasts sagging over her bloated stomach, almost in a posture of birthing. Her upper torso shrinks into itself following a spasm of pain. Goud’s eloquently sketched outlines separate the body from the background where the same pastels, shorn of the woman’s agony, appear more celebratory—ready to welcome a new life.

Untitled (Andhra Famine Series)
Untitled (Andhra Famine Series)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single K. Laxma Goud

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