Three Women in Different Mood

Three Women in Different Mood

Three Women in Different Mood

Jagadish Dey

Three Women in Different Mood




47.5 x 36.0 in. / 120.7 x 91.4 cm.


Acrylic on canvas

Note the glowing background of this work against which three female figures are shown in a contemplative gaze. The work is an ode to the navrasas or nine emotions of aesthetics described in Sanskrit, and makes the viewer wonder if they are waiting for their respective lovers to arrive sometime soon? Beautiful women clad in perfectly draped sarees are a recurrent feature of Dey’s art. While plants make an appearance in this painting, the floating figures and other surreal elements are missing, thus, making this painting a strictly figurative work.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., Ways of Seeing: Women Artists | Women as Muse (New Delhi: DAG, 2021), p. 259

Three Women in Different Mood
Three Women in Different Mood
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Jagadish Dey

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