Clown Acrobate

Clown Acrobate

Clown Acrobate

Sakti Burman

Clown Acrobate


19.2 x 25.2 in. / 48.8 x 64.0 cm.


Waterproof ink and ink on paper board

Dream imagery featuring birds, animals and mythological figures is the hallmark of Sakti Burman’s work, which he further individualised with pointillism and marbling technique, the latter discovered accidently when water spilled on an oil canvas he was working on, giving a filigreed effect. Clown acrobat, therefore, is a quintessential Sakti Burman work in that it creates a surrealist imagery of an acrobat balancing himself on a hybrid animal that looks part peacock and part cow. A row of audience watches on, again bearing dream-like appearances.

Clown Acrobate
Clown Acrobate
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Sakti Burman

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