Search results for: 'Fire painting of gr santosh i'
ExhibitionsThe Art Of SantiniketanAs low as $1.00
The Art of Santiniketan showcases the work of its four chief artists—Santiniketan’s founder, Rabindranath Tagore, its first principal and the architect of the Santiniketan pedagogy, Nandalal Bose, and his two illustrious students who went on to make a name for themselves as highly original and significant artists—Benode Behari Mukherjee and Ramkinkar Baij. Santiniketan was a path-breaking educational institution Rabindranath Tagore set up in rural Bengal in the early twentieth century, and the exhibition begins by examining its genesis in Tagore’s radical ideas of basing education in freedom and in the midst of nature. Benode Behari Mukherjee Nandalal Bose Rabindranath Tagore Ramkinkar Baij
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JournalThe Painters’ Camera: Husain and Mehta's Moving Images$0.00Twenty years after India’s independence, Films Division, the government’s documentary and propaganda filmmaking body, was seeking to re-invent itself. It had the mandate of recording the nation’s history on film. It was also a project of moulding the citizen through films that were screened in cinema theatres, before the entertainment feature. The films covered varied subjects from development, self-reliance, social issues, to art and culture, making them an invaluable archive of the Indian state’s record of the nation’s history as a modern, progressive nation. The films remained largely unpopular, like homework, among the unwilling audience of people who waited for the entertainment film to follow the documentary. Learn More
ExhibitionsTHE CENTUM SERIES EDITION 1As low as $1.00
Indian modernism is rich in diversity with a dizzying succession of artists who have each carved a niche for themselves in the rich firmament of art practice in the country. Open to influences from the West, reaching deep into the roots of their own culture, exploring and experimenting across mediums, absorbing ideas, reinterpreting established norms, Indian art defies any easily tailored silos to carve for itself a confident assertion of its own identity within a global context, while being a part of its larger assimilative journey.
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JournalUntitled by Nasreen Mohamedi$1.00
When the Met-Breuer opened in New York, its very first exhibition was a retrospective of Nasreen Mohamedi. Nasreen’s work is regarded as extremely important in the context of abstraction with delicate lines marking her compositions with a strength that is as remarkable as it is astounding, altering the way we see the world. The artist preferred drawing and sometimes photography, as a result her canvases are extremely rare to find. Sasha Altaf tells us more in this film about a canvas painted by her in Bahrain in 1969.
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Teaching Through ArtFables of Freedom$1.00
A project idea on using artworks as prompts to write about the figures in the freedom movement marginalized in or left out of the history books.
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JournalChittaprosad by Nadia Samdani$1.00
Chittaprosad couldn’t have created a more germane work in honour of the people who successfully fought their oppressors to create an independent nation. A close examination of his masterpiece, Bangladesh War, reveals the artist’s use of symbols of hope against persecution and domination, art collector and philanthropist Nadia Samdani tells us.
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JournalAn Evening with Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia$1.00
Guests joined DAG for an enchanting flute recital by internationally acclaimed Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia and a curatorial walk-through of Delhi Durbar: Empire, Display and the Possession of History by historians and curators Rana Safvi and Swapna Liddle.
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Events and ProgrammesFont, Form, Function$1.00
A workshop on typography and the art of font-making, facilitated by Diptanshu Roy, Creative Director (Wunderman Thompson) and Musician, inspired by the poster art of early 20th century.
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Events and ProgrammesGallery Teach-In$1.00
A unique academic engagement where professors from diverse disciplines bring their classrooms into the galleries, explore connections between their curriculum and the collection on view and experiment with new ways of teaching through art.
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Events and ProgrammesCurator's Take$1.00
A guided walk of the exhibition with the curator and contributing writers, exploring the lesser-known narratives of the Independence movement.
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JournalSketching a Temple: Nandalal Bose’s Konark album$0.00
One of India’s nine national treasure artists, Nandalal Bose (1882—1966) forged a long and glittering career as the foremost artist-pedagogue bridging the late-colonial period and the first few decades after Indian independence. He maintained an active drawing practice throughout his life, with many small sketches done on postcards that he carried around with him as a sort of visual notebook.
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JournalDebating secularism in South Asian Art with Tapati Guha-Thakurta$0.00
This collection of essays, co-edited by eminent scholars of art history, Tapati Guha-Thakurta and Vazira Zamindar, navigate the fraught religio-political contexts of South Asia to bring into relief the fragility and amorphous nature of a contested term like the ‘secular’.
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