Search results for: 'maps'
ExhibitionsDelhi Durbar: Empire, Display and the Possession of HistoryAs low as $1.00
DAG invited leading historians of Delhi, Swapna Liddle and Rana Safvi, to explore our archives collection. The items they found there include numerous photographs of the three durbars, taken by prominent photographers of the day. They also include many other objects relating to the durbars, from portraits and medals, to maps and official guidebooks, and to tickets and programmes. Historians in the past have analysed the ideology of the Delhi durbars, but never before has such a collection of the material culture of these events been brought together for display.
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ExhibitionsTipu SultanAs low as $1.00
An extraordinary exhibition of paintings, prints, maps and other objects, curated by Giles Tillotson, that recounts a visual history of the Mysore Wars between the East India Company and Tipu Sultan, this DAG exhibition explores how the narrative might have changed 222 years after the siege of Seringapatnam. The images, based on the British view of the time, reflect changing perceptions and Indian views on this epic battle and its political and social fallouts. A highlight of the exhibition is a painting by Henry Singleton depicting The Last Effort and Fall of Tippoo Sultaun, among other stellar works, that will be seen in India for the first time. Alexander Allan Cpt. R. Frazer David Wilkie Edward Orme Henry Singleton J. B. Mauzaisse James Hunter Johann Peter Krafft John Smart Mather Brown Obadiah Sherratt Robert Hyde Colebrooke Robert Home Robert Ker Porter Thomas Stothard
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Events and ProgrammesMapping the Colony$1.00
A workshop by Priyank Patel, from the Department of Geography, Presidency University, for ages 16 and above, on mapmaking in the colonial and postcolonial era and how maps of Calcutta (and later, Kolkata) were shaped through these different ways of knowing the world.
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ExhibitionsGroup 1890As low as $1.00
A great number of short-lived but nonetheless significant art movements arose in India over the twentieth century as Indian artists struggled with evolving or arriving at their identity as modern artists and an appropriate visual language of Indian modernism. One of the most significant amongst these is the artist collective, Group 1890, formed in 1962 with twelve young artists, led by the artist and art critic J. Swaminathan. The group consisted of J. Swaminathan, Gulammohammed Sheikh, Himmat Shah, Jeram Patel, Ambadas, Jyoti Bhatt, Raghav Kaneria, M. Reddeppa Naidu, Rajesh Mehra, Eric Bowen, S. G. Nikam and Balkrishna Patel. Ambadas Balkrishna Patel Eric Bowen Gulammohammed Sheikh Himmat Shah J. swaminathan Jeram Patel Jyoti Bhatt Raghav Kaneria Rajesh Mehra Reddappa Naidu S. G. Nikam
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ArtistsRm. Palaniappan$0.00Born in Devakottai in Tamil Nadu, Rm. Palaniappan often incorporates the syntax of the sciences such as diagrammatic notations, and symbols, in his work. The memory of the first sight of the earth from above, while on a flight, also appears frequently in the form of maps, grids, and aerial terrain. Another important trope in his works has been imagery associated with the flying machine, inspired by his fascination with Second World War cinema. Learn More
JournalChronicling the Durbar: Images and voices from Delhi$0.00
Who were the significant chroniclers of the Durbars?
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ExhibitionsSoliloquies of SolitudeAs low as $1.00
The mid-twentieth century saw a churn in the practice of art in India with a number of artists beginning to explore a genre that had swept the West with its absence of figuration in favour of abstraction. The non-representational began to gain traction as artists found within it a way to express themselves purely through colour as a potent tool to communicate emotions. Abstraction emphasised the relationship between originality and expression in ways that were complex, leading one to debate about the eventual goal of art. Ambadas, Krishna Reddy, Sohan Qadri, Zarina Hashmi, Rajendra Dhawan
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