This Untitled work was made the same year when V. Viswanadhan arrived in Paris—1968—within two years of graduating in art from Madras. Paris, where Vishwanadhan has continued to stay since then, would help in the crystallisation of his abstraction, something he was drawn to right from his student days. The artist has said of himself: ‘I had come to Europe with a bag full of triangles and squares, and a concept of space that I related to the mandalas.’ His abstract works, however, stood out and endeared to connoisseurs for their warm colours, evoking a spirituality that is distinctly rooted in Eastern traditions.
published references
Singh, Kishore, ed., Indian Abstracts: An Absence of Form (New Delhi: DAG, 2014), p. 403 Singh, Kishore, Memory & Identity: Indian Artists Abroad (New Delhi: DAG, 2016), p. 321
V. Viswanadhan
Waterproof ink on paper
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V. Viswanadhan
Waterproof ink on paper
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