Miniature Painting

Miniature Painting

Miniature Painting

J. Swaminathan

Miniature Painting


11.2 x 15.5 in. / 28.4 x 39.4 cm.


Oil on canvas

Swaminathan’s abstractionist vocabulary evolved out of his vigorous engagement with various intellectual and ideological strands, via political activism, journalism, living with the tribals, and even a tryst with tantra. His abstract landscapes often carried realist depictions of geographical features such as trees and mountains—a series was also named thus—and in this oil too, he creates a ‘miniature’ version of a vast landscape featuring high peaks yonder, two mountain tops closer to the vision, and even a moon setting in the valley.
Miniature Painting
Miniature Painting
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Art Artist Names Single J. Swaminathan

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