General Bakht Khan

General Bakht Khan

General Bakht Khan

Muni Singh

General Bakht Khan




13.0 x 8.7 in. / 33.0 x 22.1 cm.


Watercolour highlighted with gold and silver pigment on paper pasted on mount board

Not much is known about Muni Singh’s life except that he studied art in both, Lucknow and in Rajasthan’s Banasthali Vidyapith. The artist didn’t deviate from miniature style of painting, imbibing its finesse into his own works. Many of his portraits, in fact, have been of statespersons and warriors of the Mughal empire, and he creates them with a flourish. In General Bakht Khan, too, he delicately borders the frame with intricate patterns, placing in the centre of it his subject, richly decorated with his weapons and armour.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., Indian Portraits: The Face of a People (New Delhi: DAG, 2013), p. 468

General Bakht Khan
General Bakht Khan
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Muni Singh

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