Untitled (Tree)

Untitled (Tree)

Untitled (Tree)

Latika Katt

Untitled (Tree)


13.2 x 13.0 x 15.0 in. / 33.5 x 33.0 x 38.1 cm.



Latika Katt grew up in the vicinity of forests in Dehradun and now owns a tract of land outside Varanasi that she has greened and forested, and looks up to for inspiration. A sculptor who has refused to be pigeon-holed into any category of the art form, Katt keeps reimagining nature through various works, executed in a variety of media. In this terracotta work, Tree, she recreates a hoary, hollowed-out trunk of a tree; the choice of media is seminal and symbolic, hinting at the ultimate dissolution of living beings into the earth they spring from.

Untitled (Tree)
Untitled (Tree)
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Art Artist Names Single Latika Katt

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