Woman Wrestling with a Lion

Woman Wrestling with a Lion

Woman Wrestling with a Lion

Ranbir Singh Kaleka

Woman Wrestling with a Lion


16.5 x 23.2 in. / 41.9 x 58.9 cm.

In many of his work from the Nineties, Ranbir Singh Kaleka paints violence, strife, crises faced by people and an overall sense of impending darkness. The rich colour palette, the visually stunning motifs, the patterning, and the surface treatment of the works bely the narrative that is invariably a discussion on the violence that brews and eventually surfaces to consume the viewer’s attention. Woman Wrestling with a Lion represents the feminist struggle against patriarchy, a struggle to ensure her identity and her position in socio-political dynamics.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., A Visual History of Indian Modern Art, Volume IX: The Sacred and The Sensual (New Delhi: DAG, 2015), p. 1700
Singh, Kishore, ed., The Naked and The Nude: The Body in Indian Modern Art, Edition Two (New Delhi: DAG, 2015), p. 322

Woman Wrestling with a Lion
Woman Wrestling with a Lion
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Ranbir Singh Kaleka

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