Tossing a Bull

Tossing a Bull

Tossing a Bull

Ranbir Singh Kaleka

Tossing a Bull




17.7 x 12.7 in. / 45.0 x 32.3 cm.


Watercolour and sketch pen highlighted with gold and silver pigment on paper and corrugated board

Ranbir Singh Kaleka brings the essence of traditional Indian miniature painting in this mythological tale of Krishna and Balaram who engage in a battle with Aristasura, the bull monster. We see in the image, the two brothers tossing the bull with effortless ease, thus, displaying their strength. Kaleka’s interesting colour palette and his sharply controlled brushstrokes make the background, complete with motifs and patterns, interesting while keeping the figures firmly ensconced in a limited space introduces the viewer to experience the challenge experienced by the painter.

Tossing a Bull
Tossing a Bull
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Ranbir Singh Kaleka

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