Untitled (Bell Series)

Untitled (Bell Series)

Untitled (Bell Series)

C. Douglas

Untitled (Bell Series)




69.5 x 45.0 in. / 176.5 x 114.3 cm.


Mixed media on paper pasted on board

A Madras Group artist who has created some of the most compelling art in the genre of abstraction, C. Douglas retained a solid regional identity in his art without diluting the powerful sense of modernism. While there is strong expressionism in his art—the artist paying homage to the influence of European expressionists such as Anselm Kiefer and Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze— Douglas’s art is also informed by the influence of his teachers such as A. P. Santhanaraj and L. Munuswamy.

Untitled (Bell Series)
Untitled (Bell Series)
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Art Artist Names Single C. Douglas

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