Search results for: 'The Naked and the Nude The Body in Indian Modern Art'
ArtistsD. C. Joglekar$0.00Exemplifying the art of the now-forgotten Bombay School, which was based on realism, or naturalism, as taught by the British, D. C. Joglekar was one of the finest artists who captured India’s panoramic landscapes along with her glorious architectural wonders, including temples, monuments, and archaeological sites. Learn More
ArtistsBose Krishnamachari$0.00Co-founder of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, Bose Krishnamachari was born in Magattukara village, Kerala, and came into prominence in the 1990s, after graduating from Sir J. J. School of Art, Mumbai, at a time when India was experiencing economic liberalisation. Learn More
ArtistsBaburao Painter$0.00Born to a family of artists in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, on 3 June 1890, Baburao Painter was a self-taught artist who excelled in both oil painting and sculpture. His skill in painting earned him the nickname ‘Painter’. His excellence in traditional sculpture is evident in the large statue he made of Mahatma Gandhi, installed in Kolhapur. Learn More
ArtistsAltaf$0.00Born in Baroda, Altaf Mohamedi’s interest in painting began while at the Scindia School in Gwalior under the tutelage of his art instructor Niyogi. His nascent interest was also encouraged by his elder sister and noted painter Nasreen Mohamedi. Learn More
Institutional CollaborationsThe Babu and the Bazaar: Art from 19th and Early 20th Century Bengal$0.00
Events and ProgrammesCurator's Take$1.00
A guided walk of the exhibition with the curator and contributing writers, exploring the lesser-known narratives of the Independence movement.
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Events and ProgrammesRevisiting the Tagores$1.00
A musical evening at Prasad Tagore Palace, the heritage residence of Pramantha Tagore, preceded by a conversation with Sujaan Mukherjee about the Tagore family’s ties to music, theatre, and art patronage.
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ArtistsKrishna Reddy$0.00Born in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, on 15 July 1925, Krishna Reddy is best remembered for pioneering the simultaneous colour printing technique, or the colour viscosity process, along with S. W. Hayter, in Paris. His journey to that seminal moment in Paris was preceded by a stint at Santiniketan, studying under Nandalal Bose (1942-47), and then, as head of the art section at Kalakshetra, Madras (1947-50). Learn More
Events and ProgrammesAssemblage: Horizons$1.00
A visit to the chilekotha studio of contemporary artist Ushnish Mukhopadhyay to witness his experiments with assemblage through fragmented images and disassociated objects.
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Events and ProgrammesAssemblage: Histories$1.00
A sketching and reading session with art historian Debdutta Gupta on the artistic practice of assemblage centred on the text Khuddur Jatra by Abanindranath Tagore.
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ArtistsPrabhakar Barwe$0.00The grandnephew of the well-known sculptor V. P. Karmakar, and the son of an artist who worked in Bombay film studios, Prabhakar Barwe was born on 16 March 1936 in Nagaon, Maharashtra. He joined Sir J. J. School of Art, Bombay, in 1954. Learn More