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ExhibitionsMumbai ModernAs low as $1.00
This exhibition is significant as it marks one of the largest-ever shows of the Progressives and their associate members. It also celebrates the genesis of the Progressive Artists’ Group in Bombay in 1947 and its continued link with the city. Akbar Padamsee Bal Chhabda F. N. Souza H. A. Gade K.H. Ara Krishen Khanna M. F. Husain Mohan Samant Ram Kumar S. H. Raza S. K. Bakre Tyeb Mehta V. S. Gaitonde
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Events and ProgrammesPebet$1.00
Pebet is a ‘phunga wari’, a type of traditional fireside story told to Manipuri children by their grandparents. Directed by the renowned theatre practitioner Heisnam Kanhailal and performed first in 1975, it subverts the familiar icon of the bird and the cat to comment on political and cultural indoctrination.
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Events and ProgrammesImprovising the Khyal$1.00
A khyal performance by Ranjani Ramachandran, drawing from the repertoire of the Gwalior and Jaipur gharanas, that will focus on her interpretive style and the legacy of women performers in post-independence India. Introduced by Lakshmi Subramanian, a historian of music and trade.
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ArtistsSobha Singh$0.00The most definitive painter of the portraits of the Sikh gurus, Sobha Singh was born on 29 November 1901 at Gurdaspur in the Punjab. Interested in the arts since childhood, he learnt to draw and sculpt on his own, the early death of his parents depriving him of formal training in art. He joined the British Indian army as a draughtsman and continued to learn from studying the works of English and European artists. Learn More
ArtistsM. K. Parandekar$0.00Born in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, M. K. Parandekar was a prolific painter—he made panoramic views of archaeological sites, landscapes and portraits. His initial training was under his father, a Sanskrit scholar and painter, and he followed that up with formal study at Sir J. J. School of Art, Bombay. Learn More
ArtistsJehangir Sabavala$0.00A painter with a strikingly elegant bearing, Jehangir Sabavala was born on 23 August 1922 in an affluent Parsi family in Bombay and grew up in an intellectually charged environment. He studied at Elphinstone College, Bombay, before graduating from Sir J. J. School of Art in 1944. Thereafter, he studied at some of the leading art schools of Europe—The Heatherly School of Art, London (1945-47), Académie André Lhote, Paris (1948-51), Académie Julian, Paris (1953-54), and Académie de la Grande Chaumière, Paris (1957). Learn More
ArtistsBadri Narayan$0.00Born on 22 July 1929 in Secunderabad (now in Telangana), Badri Narayan began his career in the late 1940s working with ceramic tiles and mosaics, and moved later to using ink, pastel and watercolour as his primary mediums. Learn More
JournalThe Last Effort and Fall of Tippoo Sultaun by Henry Singleton$1.00
Henry Singleton’s The Last Effort and Fall of Tippoo Sultaun belongs to a genre known as history painting: the depiction of important historical events, usually on a large scale, as if they were playing out in front of one’s eyes. Author and parliamentarian Shashi Tharoor and art historian Giles Tillotson explain the lively imagination deployed in Singleton’s painting that depicts the British assault on Seringapatam and the killing of its ruler, Tipu Sultan—himself the source of so many stories that it was difficult to unravel the truth from the many falsities spun by the biased colonial administration and historians of the time.
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JournalArchive Case Files$0.00
The DAG Archives travel to schools and colleges for the first time with a new education programme—Archive Case Files. Follow the journey of these students as they work with a collection of World War I postcards, to learn more about the role of visual archives in the classroom.
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Teaching Through ArtTipoo: The man and the myth$1.00
A creative response guide on exploring multiple historical perspectives through artworks and archival material on the fall of Tipoo Sultan.
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Events and ProgrammesAssemblage: Horizons$1.00
A visit to the chilekotha studio of contemporary artist Ushnish Mukhopadhyay to witness his experiments with assemblage through fragmented images and disassociated objects.
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