Search results for: 'Charcoal and pastel on paper'
Collection StoriesA Tryst with Destiny: A Visual Journey$1.00
Colonization is perhaps best understood as a process that unfolded over time than as a single historical event. In India and South Asia it began with the East India Company acquiring rights over land in different parts of the country, with the occasional political victories won on the battlefields. Since the Battle of Plassey (1757), their power over legislative and judicial matters grew steadily, backed by a strong military presence. Following the First War of Independence in 1857, the British Crown brought most parts of the Indian subcontinent under its direct rule, continuing to hold power until 1947.
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Events and ProgrammesSandesh-er Sandhane$1.00
A walk and demonstration through the markets of Chitpur Road with historian Jayanta Sengupta and the DAG team to follow the trail from milk to sandesh, and meet the people who contribute to this enduring craft.
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Events and ProgrammesSora Brittanto$1.00
A visit to Taherpur, Nadia for a workshop on the practices and genealogies of Sora-making with artists Ratan Paul and Gopal Paul, and artist-writer Dipankar Parui.
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Art FairsArt Mumbai$0.00
As in previous editions, ‘Iconic Masterpieces’ allows viewers to experience the pinnacles of Indian art through its lens of quality, historicity, and rarity—to which the element of surprise adds an unexpected piquancy. An ‘Iconic’ exhibition from DAG is like a museum tour where the best Indian art can be enjoyed through a lively and perceptive curatorial eye that acknowledges and helps extend our knowledge of it.
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Events and ProgrammesPhotograph: Histories$1.00
A participatory reading and activity session with researcher Shreya Mukherjee to explore analogue photography of the 19th and early 20th century and the revival or adaptation of the medium in contemporary art.
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Events and ProgrammesPebet$1.00
Pebet is a ‘phunga wari’, a type of traditional fireside story told to Manipuri children by their grandparents. Directed by the renowned theatre practitioner Heisnam Kanhailal and performed first in 1975, it subverts the familiar icon of the bird and the cat to comment on political and cultural indoctrination.
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Events and ProgrammesRelearning the Fresco$1.00
An art workshop and a tour of the Hooghly Imambara, relating the history of this iconic monument and the remaking of the fresco paintings that adorn its interiors with Agnibesh Ghosh, Mirza Sajid Ali and Sumantra Mukherjee.
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Events and ProgrammesMarch to Freedom: Delhi Opening$1.00
‘March to Freedom’, DAG’s acclaimed exhibition on the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, opens in Delhi with ‘Dastan-e-Gandhi', an evocative dastangoi performance written by Danish Iqbal and performed by Fouzia Dastango and and Ritesh Yadav, two of the leading artists of this tradition.
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Events and ProgrammesMuseum Ambassadors$1.00
An experiential learning and apprenticeship programme for high school students in collaboration with arts education organisations, offering them a first-hand experience of working in a museum, learning about the art and history, and translating their learnings to develop museum experiences for their peers.
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Events and ProgrammesImprovising the Khyal$1.00
A khyal performance by Ranjani Ramachandran, drawing from the repertoire of the Gwalior and Jaipur gharanas, that will focus on her interpretive style and the legacy of women performers in post-independence India. Introduced by Lakshmi Subramanian, a historian of music and trade.
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Collection StoriesAfter the Storm: Chittaprosad’s late oeuvre$0.00
Chittaprosad Bhattacharya (1913-1978) was a versatile artist and a lifelong adherent of the socialistic worldview. In 1943, he traveled across the famine-stricken villages of Bengal and produced realistic sketches of human suffering that were regularly published in the pages of the Communist Party journal 'People’s war'. These sketches were later compiled and published as a booklet under the title 'Hungry Bengal'. Fascinated by his artistic skills, the General Secretary of Communist Party of India, Puran Chand Joshi took Chittaprosad to the Party’s headquarters in Bombay (now Mumbai).
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JournalThe Journal Goes Live$0.00
On the thirtieth year of DAG’s presence in the Indian art landscape, we are especially delighted to share with our readers the first issue of our Journal. DAG has upheld a high quality of research through exhibitions and publications that have shaped how people understand Indian modern art. Through this journal, we want to keep those discussions going and point towards newer ways to approach the period of modernism—joining the dots that lead those significant artistic breakthroughs into the contemporary. We also want to create a space where readers can gain privileged access into the people and organizations who works around the clock to keep the art world ticking.
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