Search results for: 'Bengal school me'
JournalUntitled by Shanti Dave$1.00
This Untitled painting, created in the early-to-mid-1970s, reflects Shanti Dave's fervent experimentation during a prolific period marked by international recognition in mural making and exhibitions. Drawing inspiration from childhood memories of Badapura and nearby archaeological ruins, the abstract composition blends colour pigments, beeswax, and oil solutions in a dynamic interplay. Employing a reverse image technique with molten wax, the painting challenges perceptions and invites contemplation on the nature of truth. Noted fashion designer and art-collector Tarun Tahiliani explains the nuances of Shanti Dave’s work in a film specially created on the painting.
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JournalThakor Becharsinhji of Chuda by Frank Brooks$1.00
Did you know that the portrait painter Frank Brooks whose two trips to India won him commissions from the rulers of principalities in the Bombay Presidency, trained Raja Ravi Varma’s brother in the art of figure painting? For his second India voyage (1892-93), he was invited specially to paint the heads of the twenty-eight rulers of the Kathiawar Agency. The subject of this stunning portrait is Thakur Becharsinhji of Chuda, a state so small it did not even merit a gun salute for its ruler. Explore in detail with Kishore Singh, SVP, DAG.
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JournalShanti Dave: Neither Earth nor Sky$1.00
Curator Jesal Thacker and art writer Meera Menezes speak about Shanti Dave’s art practice and choice of medium that allowed several elements to come together in his encaustic paintings and layered watercolours.
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ExhibitionsALTAF: Early DrawingsAs low as $0.00
England shaped Altaf’s political consciousness as well as his persona. He engaged in the anti-apartheid demonstration at Trafalgar Square held against the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela; a peaceful protest at the American Embassy opposing the bombing in North Vietnam; the Aldermaston March against the nuclear bomb; the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; he became a member of the Youth Wing of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and the Young Communist League (YCL). Any examination of the theoretical aspect of Altaf’s work must start with the knowledge that the work in question exemplified an element of ‘existentialist’ thought.
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JournalChittrovanu Mazumdar on Nirode Mazumdar$0.00'Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2' opened on 11 February, featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, Chittrovanu Mazumdar explores the sense of rhythm in his father Nirode Mazumdar’s ‘Boitorini Series’, drawing attention to how its controlled colour palette depicts the flow of life in the metaphor of a river that one must cross during one’s lifetime. Learn More
JournalTerm of the Month: Provenance$0.00
One of the most important ways in which a work of art is authenticated is by checking its provenance. What does provenance mean and how does it affect the identity of an artwork itself? The concept has evolved historically over the years; below, we try to highlight some of the important aspects of this debate in our recurring series, Argot, that seeks to demystify some of the major ideas from the world of art.
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JournalManisha Parekh on Madhvi Parekh$0.00
‘Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2’ opened on 11 February at DAG’s Janpath Gallery in New Delhi featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, Manisha Parekh recalls her memory of her mother Madhvi Parekh as an artist working within spaces of familial intimacy.
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JournalOn Collecting Textiles with Uthra Rajgopal$0.00
Are the histories of art and fashion distinct from each other? Even a cursory glimpse at the contemporary art landscape—on view during occasions such as the India Art Fair, 2023—tells us otherwise. Fabrics, textiles and weaving practices are being increasingly incorporated into the body of works produced by artists today. They bring with them a host of connotations, historical narratives and sensorial memories that working with other media does not. Uthra Rajgopal, a curator and collection adviser for museums, spoke with DAG briefly on the practice of collecting textiles for museums, their historical significance as artworks as well as trading commodities from South Asia, and how contemporary artists are responding to this complex colonial legacy through their own interventions.
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JournalAn Elsewhere Homeland: Sayed Haider Raza’s Iconic Masterpiece$0.00
‘Raza was in some ways an earth painter—someone to whom earth mattered both as a constant presence and an irrepressible memory.’ Ashok Vajpeyi looks at the natural mechanics of Sayed Haider Raza’s abstractions, tracing his relationship with landscape and art.
JournalArtists (Un)Scripted – Anupam Sud$0.00India’s foremost printmaker, Anupam Sud is perhaps also the country’s most well-known. What has tethered her to the democratic medium of printmaking—against all odds, needless to say—is a reason worth discovering in this short video in which the artist muses over her motivations and practice. Learn More
JournalGroup 1890$0.00Group 1890 remains unique in the journey of modern Indian art for various reasons, the most important being J. Swaminathan as the force behind the short-lived collective that held only one exhibition in its lifetime, in 1963. In 2016, DAG organized a ‘second’ exhibition of the group, featuring works by all its founder members. Learn More