Search results for: 'EOS-1D Mark II N v1.12'
JournalThakor Becharsinhji of Chuda by Frank Brooks$1.00
Did you know that the portrait painter Frank Brooks whose two trips to India won him commissions from the rulers of principalities in the Bombay Presidency, trained Raja Ravi Varma’s brother in the art of figure painting? For his second India voyage (1892-93), he was invited specially to paint the heads of the twenty-eight rulers of the Kathiawar Agency. The subject of this stunning portrait is Thakur Becharsinhji of Chuda, a state so small it did not even merit a gun salute for its ruler. Explore in detail with Kishore Singh, SVP, DAG.
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JournalArchive Case Files$0.00
The DAG Archives travel to schools and colleges for the first time with a new education programme—Archive Case Files. Follow the journey of these students as they work with a collection of World War I postcards, to learn more about the role of visual archives in the classroom.
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Events and ProgrammesMumbai Gallery Weekend$1.00
The exhibition presents views of the ancient city of Benares (now Varanasi) as depicted by foreign artists in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
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Events and ProgrammesGallery Teach-In$1.00
A unique academic engagement where professors from diverse disciplines bring their classrooms into the galleries, explore connections between their curriculum and the collection on view and experiment with new ways of teaching through art.
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Events and ProgrammesCurator's Take$1.00
A guided walk of the exhibition with the curator and contributing writers, exploring the lesser-known narratives of the Independence movement.
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JournalSearching for the ‘Inner Form’ in Prabhakar Barwe’s Blank Canvas$0.00
Artists have often formulated their theories and observations to analyse and become aware of the cognitive modes of art making, and to associate with broader contemporaneous art movements. These manifestos become a window into an artist’s process. Prabhakar Barwe’s seminal treatise, <i>Kora Canvas</I> (The Blank Canvas, 1989), exemplifies his deep understanding of the fundamental elements of art and keen observations of nature and his surroundings.
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JournalTerm of the Month: Figure Drawing$0.00
The advent of abstraction is a defining moment in art history as we devise divisions between representational, figurative, and abstract art, with the need arising from this pivotal formal shift in the modern world. The term ‘figurative’ has come to represent an antithesis of sorts to the term abstract. One is representational of reality, the latter a derived (abstracted) representation or even non-representational (colour-field paintings for example).
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JournalDebating secularism in South Asian Art with Tapati Guha-Thakurta$0.00
This collection of essays, co-edited by eminent scholars of art history, Tapati Guha-Thakurta and Vazira Zamindar, navigate the fraught religio-political contexts of South Asia to bring into relief the fragility and amorphous nature of a contested term like the ‘secular’.
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JournalTapati Guha Thakurta on Bengal Oil Paintings$1.00
Artists may be anonymous but their times are not. Art historian and curator Dr. Tapati Guha-Thakurta takes us through the Early Bengal oil paintings from the 19th and early 20th century on display at DAG, New Delhi.
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ExhibitionsALTAF: Early DrawingsAs low as $0.00
England shaped Altaf’s political consciousness as well as his persona. He engaged in the anti-apartheid demonstration at Trafalgar Square held against the imprisonment of Nelson Mandela; a peaceful protest at the American Embassy opposing the bombing in North Vietnam; the Aldermaston March against the nuclear bomb; the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament; he became a member of the Youth Wing of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and the Young Communist League (YCL). Any examination of the theoretical aspect of Altaf’s work must start with the knowledge that the work in question exemplified an element of ‘existentialist’ thought.
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JournalWilliam Dalrymple on 'Indian Painting for the East India Company'$1.00
Also known as Company School, this genre is the Indo-European style of painting made in India by Indian artists, most of whom worked under the patronage of the East India Company. Focusing on a spectacular painting, William Dalrymple takes us through a journey of this neglected yet outstanding genre of art from nineteenth century India.
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JournalShobhaa De on Sailoz Mookherjea$0.00'Iconic Masterpieces of Indian Modern Art, Edition 2' opened on 11 February, featuring fifty artworks which shaped the trajectory of pre-modern and modern art in the country. As part of the exhibition, Shobhaa De reflects on Sailoz Mookherjea’s painting created ten years after the tragedy of Hiroshima-Nagasaki, drawing attention to the motifs and textures which convey a sense of fractured time affecting his personal and political worlds. Learn More