Gallery Teach-In

Gallery Teach-In

Gallery Teach-In


Gallery Teach-In

A unique academic engagement where professors from diverse disciplines bring their classrooms into the galleries, explore connections between their curriculum and the collection on view and experiment with new ways of teaching through art.

This site-specific engagement also offers a different experience for learners, to explore what it might feel like to learn in a gallery, using a rich visual repository to discuss, question, and destabilize existing narratives.

The launch of this programme at DAG’s ‘March to Freedom’ exhibition at the Indian Museum was successful thanks to professors from esteemed institutions such as Gurudas College, Presidency University, Jadavpur University, Loreto College and Adamas University who conducted their lectures within the gallery and added new layers of meaning to the exhibition.

Participants of the Gallery Teach-in are invited from DAG’s network of colleges and universities. To participate in future programmes and add your institution to our database email us at