Untitled (Kneeling Peasant Girl)

Untitled (Kneeling Peasant Girl)

Untitled (Kneeling Peasant Girl)

Sailoz Mookherjea

Untitled (Kneeling Peasant Girl)




15.7 x 20.0 in. / 39.9 x 50.8 cm.


Oil on canvas pasted on Masonite board

Sailoz Mookherjea did not aim to confuse but he did delight in creating illusions such as this, in what appears at first sight to be an exotic bird revealing itself as a woman squatting on the floor while her clothes trail behind her. The woman balances a basket on her head while she checks through another lying on the floor, her wrists covered with bangles, attesting to her femininity and youth. The National Treasure artist restricts his distinctive doodling in this work to the background where they render patterns that diffuse it further.

Untitled (Kneeling Peasant Girl)
Untitled (Kneeling Peasant Girl)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Sailoz Mookherjea

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