Man with Dog

Man with Dog

Man with Dog

Vasudha Thozur

Man with Dog


72.17 x 61.5 in. / 182.1 x 156.2 cm.


Oil on canvas

A constant engagement with her social environment is an important attribute of Vasudha Thozhur’s practice that has seen her work with victims of social disasters, such as girls who had lost their family members in Gujarat riots of 2002. It highlights her concern for social relationships—both that explore human beings’ relationship with their external environment and also an individual’s interior mindscape. In this canvas, Man with Dog, she uses the special relationship between a man and a dog—which is often purer than that between any two humans—to explore an exterior and an interior space simultaneously, which is possible only in this specific relationship, where man is not under any compulsion to put up pretenses.

Man with Dog
Man with Dog
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Vasudha Thozur

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