The portrait of a cocky, young lass is atypical of someone who devoted his career to painting the dark experiences of his growing-up years, such as the Bengal famine, the partition of India and other socio-political upheavals in the eastern state. In the colour palette as well, the work is a departure from the major body of Ganesh Pyne’s oeuvre. What brought the artist to make a picture of this girl wearing a smirk on her face? Perhaps, her cheeky attractiveness... Looking askance, she cold-shoulders the onlooker, who she knows is enchanted by her physical allure.
published references
Singh, Kishore, ed., The Naked and The Nude: The Body in Indian Modern Art, Edition Two (New Delhi: DAG, 2015), p. 141 Singh, Kishore, ed., Ways of Seeing: Women Artists | Women as Muse (New Delhi: DAG, 2021), p. 242
Ganesh Pyne
Watercolour and ink on card
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Ganesh Pyne
Watercolour and ink on card
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