


Anonymous (Kalighat Pats)



late nineteenth century


15.7 x 11.2 in. / 39.9 x 28.4 cm.


Water colour, colloidal tin and graphite on paper

This painting is part of a larger collection of pat artworks—a unique traditional genre of paintings that developed in Bengal, in the nineteenth century—describing a typical encounter between a babu, a Bengali gentleman, and a courtesan. The series begins with the lover or courtesan awaiting the babu’s arrival while she makes jasmine garlands. The babu shows up, probably in an intoxicated state, carrying a rose, culminating in a sexual encounter between the pair. However, as a stern reminder of the lived reality of the courtesan, the babu leaves soon after while she is left to dress herself. The work is framed under folding curtains—made popular by photography studios as well as the proscenium theatre stage. The flowers and the bed with the mosquito curtain aid the viewer in understanding the space as well as the chain of events in the narrative.

More Information
Art Artist Names Single Anonymous (Kalighat Pats)

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