Untitled (Delhi)

Untitled (Delhi)

Untitled (Delhi)

Hugo Vilfred Pedersen

Untitled (Delhi)


24.5 X 15.7 in. / 62.2 X 39.9 cm.


Oil on canvas

This striking rendering of a Delhi monument could well be a leaf out of a French or Dutch impressionist colour book. Danish artist Hugo Vilfred Pedersen came of age in the late nineteenth century, a time when French impressionism was being adopted vigorously by young artists, especially in western Europe, an event that Pedersen could not have remained unaffected by. He visited India during his long sojourn through the East and is likely to have been in Delhi in 1903, when the second Delhi Durbar took place, as he also painted a portrait of then British Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon the same year.

Untitled (Delhi)
Untitled (Delhi)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Hugo Vilfred Pedersen

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