Search results for: 'black and white photography with the iphone 16 pro'
Events and ProgrammesPigment: Histories$1.00
Conversations, sketches and readings on Benode Behari Mukherjee’s practice and his experiments with pigment making, with Sampurna Chakraborty.
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Events and ProgrammesPulp: Drawn from Life$1.00
Conversations, sketches and readings on Somnath Hore's exploration of the concept of 'Wounds' with Sampurna Chakraborty and Sarmistha Bose.
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Events and ProgrammesAn Artist's Retreat$1.00
An exploration of the relationship between art and ecology through a visit to the house-museum of artists Chintamoni and Amina Kar with Prasanta Dan, along with a foliage study session in the idyllic bird sanctuary that surrounds it.
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Events and ProgrammesGolpo Boli, Golpo Shono / Hear Me Out!$1.00
A storytelling festival for ages 12 and above by changemakers, activists and artists, exploring the idea of freedom from various walks of life.
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ArtistsCompany Paintings$0.00
Ethnographic mapping and documentation of a vast country like India was an important part of the political and economic expansion of the East India Company from the middle of the seventeenth century onwards.
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ArtistsGeorge Chinnery$0.00
English painter George Chinnery, who spent almost his entire career in the East and is today celebrated for his Oriental pictures of idyllic, daily scenes from India and China, was born in London on 7 January 1774.
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Institutional CollaborationsKripal: The Art of Kripal Singh Shekhawat$1.00
Kripal Singh Shekhawat of Jaipur worked his entire life to bridge the gap between the vernacular and the contemporary, combining what was considered the craft of a kumhar—potter—with the fine art of miniature painting. He paved a new path for a pioneering social and aesthetic mode of life in twentieth century India.
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Art FairsMasterpiece$0.00
For the third year running, DAG participated at the Masterpiece London 2018, the UK’s leading cross collecting fair for art, design and collectibles. For this edition, DAG’s focus was sharper, and created a narrative for Indian modern art that addressed a sophisticated, discerning audience. Bikash Bhattacharjee F N Souza G R Santosh Jamini Roy Krishen Khanna M F Husain Rabin Mondal Ram Kumar Rameshwar Broota Shanti Dave Tyeb Mehta
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ArtistsSarada Charan Ukil$0.00An artist whose eponymously named art institution groomed some important Indian modern artists such as Ram Kumar and J. Swaminathan, Sarada Charan Ukil was an early pioneer of the Bengal School. Born on 14 November 1888 in Bikrampur near present-day Dhaka, Ukil shifted later to Calcutta with his family and studied at the city’s Government Art School under Abanindranath Tagore. Learn More
ArtistsThota Vaikuntam$0.00Born in Karimnagar district in undivided Andhra Pradesh, Thota Vaikuntam is known for powerfully-delineated and brightly-coloured portraits of robust men and women of the Telangana region where he grew up. He studied at College of Fine Arts, Hyderabad, from 1965-70, before training under K. G. Subramanyan at M. S. University, Baroda, in 1971-72, on a Lalit Kala Akademi fellowship. Learn More
ArtistsM. Reddeppa Naidu$0.00Born in a village in the East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, Reddeppa Naidu acquired his formal education in Kakinada and later studied at the Government College of Art and Craft, Madras, where he was mentored by K. C. S. Paniker. He held his first exhibition in Madras in 1958. Learn More
ArtistsKisory Roy$0.00Well-known for his landscape paintings, Kisory Roy was inspired to take up the arts by his father, who worked for the railways and was an occasional painter. Winning a school competition led Roy to the Government School of Art, Calcutta, where he studied from 1931-37. Under Mukul Dey, he learnt to work in several mediums like watercolour, oil, charcoal, and crayon. Learn More