Search results for: 'Japan and India have both taken photos of the Apollo 11 lunar module on the moon.'
JournalThe Painters’ Camera: Husain and Mehta's Moving Images$0.00Twenty years after India’s independence, Films Division, the government’s documentary and propaganda filmmaking body, was seeking to re-invent itself. It had the mandate of recording the nation’s history on film. It was also a project of moulding the citizen through films that were screened in cinema theatres, before the entertainment feature. The films covered varied subjects from development, self-reliance, social issues, to art and culture, making them an invaluable archive of the Indian state’s record of the nation’s history as a modern, progressive nation. The films remained largely unpopular, like homework, among the unwilling audience of people who waited for the entertainment film to follow the documentary. Learn More
Events and ProgrammesCrossing the Midnight Hour$1.00
A guided walk by urban history researcher Sujaan Mukherjee, uncovering the forgotten histories of monuments and sites around the Indian Museum, and their changing fates after Independence.
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ArtistsL. N. Taskar$0.00Laxman Narain Taskar’s paintings mirror the ideals of academic realism introduced by the British within their art education system. Indian artists were trained in naturalism, with lessons in soft effects of chiaroscuro and the three-dimensionality of the external world. History painting, perspective, and the copying of Victorian portraits became a vital ingredient within these art schools. Learn More
JournalAn Evening with Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia$1.00
Guests joined DAG for an enchanting flute recital by internationally acclaimed Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia and a curatorial walk-through of Delhi Durbar: Empire, Display and the Possession of History by historians and curators Rana Safvi and Swapna Liddle.
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Collection StoriesSYNCRETISM IN BENGAL ART$1.00
As a region that is home to many religions and cultures, South Asia has been a fertile ground for art that blends different styles, ideas, and influences. Conquest, migration, or friendly exchange of cultural ideas and values—be it in the visual arts, food, or politics—all played a part in shaping the region as a melting pot of civilisations. Explore artworks that showcase this syncretic legacy from DAG's museum collection—starting with the early encounters with European realism, the pan-Asian influences on the Bengal School, and beyond.
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