Flames of the Forest

Flames of the Forest

Flames of the Forest

Radha Charan Bagchi

Flames of the Forest




9.2 x 12.5 in. / 23.4 x 31.8 cm.


Watercolour on paper

It’s easy to meditate on this painting, which Radha Charan Bagchi creates in incredible depth and detail. The chief focus is the Palash tree with its flaming orange blooms, which we see in abundance in various regions of India during spring, lighting up forests with their brightness, and hence the title of the painting. Against a clear blue sky, the flowers and leaves, mixed with shades of browns and greens, stand out for their beauty and grace. Bagchi captures other details with his trained eye, rendering also in the painting some human figures in the distance.

Flames of the Forest
Flames of the Forest
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Radha Charan Bagchi

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