To and Fro

To and Fro

To and Fro

Vasundhara Tewari Broota

To and Fro




70.0 x 70.0 in. / 177.8 x 177.8 cm.


Oil on canvas

Vasundhara Tewari Broota’s works revolve around the perception of modern women in a political and psychological sense. With nudity as an empowering symbol and the relationship between the modelled figure and her space, Broota changes female portrayal in artworks as subjects rather than objects. She paints in To and Fro a woman purposefully navigating her way through a labyrinth of sorts while the lower half, in a darker shade, denoting a male figure makes us wonder if the protagonist will ever escape the drudgery of her life?

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., Ways of Seeing: Women Artists | Women as Muse (New Delhi: DAG, 2021), p. 138

To and Fro
To and Fro
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Vasundhara Tewari Broota

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