Untitled (Cycle of Life)

Untitled (Cycle of Life)

Untitled (Cycle of Life)

Sarada Charan Ukil

Untitled (Cycle of Life)




13.0 x 9.5 in. / 33.0 x 24.1 cm.


Watercolour, graphite and gold pigment on handmade paper

Here’s an unfinished painting by Sarada Charan Ukil featuring three figures who are holding one another in a tight embrace. While one of the figures’ facial expression is hidden, the younger figure’s face seems beatific and it seems that he’s going on a long journey, getting out to live a life and prove his worth. Only one of the three figures’ expression can be fully seen—sinister-looking, old and wrinkled, this figure seems to see some impending doom of which the other two seem oblivious.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., A Visual History of Indian Modern Art, Volume III: Revivalism and Beyond (New Delhi: DAG, 2015), p. 505

Untitled (Cycle of Life)
Untitled (Cycle of Life)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Sarada Charan Ukil

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