Fishermen at Dawn on Madras Beach

Fishermen at Dawn on Madras Beach

Fishermen at Dawn on Madras Beach

S. G. Thakar Singh

Fishermen at Dawn on Madras Beach




15.0 x 22.0 in. / 38.1 x 55.9 cm.


Oil on canvas

S. G. Thakar Singh’s art, particularly his landscapes, showed a rich diversity, an innate understanding of surroundings and the ability to capture the serenity and the colours of nature in vivid detail. Fishermen at Dawn on Madras Beach reveals the painterly skill of the artist, especially with the glow of the sun hidden behind the clouds. The reflection is seen in the water and there are silhouettes of human figures and the boats that one sees in the foreground and in the background.

published references

Tillotson, Giles, New Found Lands: The Indian Landscape From Empire to Freedom (New Delhi: DAG, 2021), pp. 58-59

Fishermen at Dawn on Madras Beach
Fishermen at Dawn on Madras Beach
More Information
Art Artist Names Single S. G. Thakar Singh

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