Untitled (Portrait of Henry Daniel, Art Master, Lawrence School, Lovedale)

Untitled (Portrait of Henry Daniel, Art Master, Lawrence School, Lovedale)

Untitled (Portrait of Henry Daniel, Art Master, Lawrence School, Lovedale)

Anjolie Ela Menon

Untitled (Portrait of Henry Daniel, Art Master, Lawrence School, Lovedale)




29.7 x 23.7 in. / 75.4 x 60.2 cm.


Oil on canvas

A perceptive observer of people, Anjolie Ela Menon would paint portraits of people who had influenced her—as she does of this early mentor who guided her practice. The lean, Modiglianiesque figure in a turtleneck gazes off into the distance, the eyes hollow pools, able, almost, to look all the way into one’s soul. While the long hair, sideburns and walrus moustache are indicators of men’s grooming style of the Seventies, the austere demeanour and haunted look point towards an elegant, intelligent personality with an introverted mien.

published references

Singh, Kishore, ed., Indian Modern Art, A Visual History (New Delhi: DAG, 2016), p. 27
Ways of Seeing: Women Artists | Women as Muse (New Delhi: DAG, 2021), p. 64

Untitled (Portrait of Henry Daniel, Art Master, Lawrence School, Lovedale)
Untitled (Portrait of Henry Daniel, Art Master, Lawrence School, Lovedale)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Anjolie Ela Menon

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