Earth and Sky (Diptych)

Earth and Sky (Diptych)

Earth and Sky (Diptych)

Arpana Caur

Earth and Sky (Diptych)




65.2 x 78.0 in. / 165.6 x 198.1 cm.


Oil on canvas

In a press interview done in the late Nineties, Arpana Caur defined the same decade as her ‘golden period’. In this phase, Caur was appropriating the structures of Pahari miniatures—the rounded figures, the curved horizon, the division of the background into the sky, earth and water and the creation of many centres of activity in each work—giving them a modern context. Structure and colour was gaining more precedence in her work in the Nineties, allowing Caur to pay homage to traditional Indian art.

Earth and Sky (Diptych)
Earth and Sky (Diptych)
More Information
Art Artist Names Single Arpana Caur

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