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Events and ProgrammesCurious Curatorium$1.00
An online opportunity for young researchers and early career professionals, from History, Art History, Cultural Studies and related fields, to develop research projects under the guidance of eminent academicians and scholars.
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Events and ProgrammesMuseum Ambassadors$1.00
An experiential learning and apprenticeship programme for high school students in collaboration with arts education organisations, offering them a first-hand experience of working in a museum, learning about the art and history, and translating their learnings to develop museum experiences for their peers.
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Events and ProgrammesMapping the Colony$1.00
A workshop by Priyank Patel, from the Department of Geography, Presidency University, for ages 16 and above, on mapmaking in the colonial and postcolonial era and how maps of Calcutta (and later, Kolkata) were shaped through these different ways of knowing the world.
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Art FairsArt Dubai$0.00
Shanti Dave’s abstracts resemble—at first—the familiar and the unknown. There are writings, figures, deities, forms and shapes that resonate with what we seem to know. If the language is indecipherable, perhaps it belongs to some ancient texts lost to history. Is this his ode to a civilisation that existed in the past, or a prophesy of one to come? Is it a world hidden underwater? Or perhaps one alien to us because it comes from some other planet? Are these tombstones, or markers, of some mythological or historical realm?
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Institutional CollaborationsThe Printed Picture: Four Centuries of Indian Print-Making$1.00
As printing technologies improved around the turn of the 18th century, a large number of cheaply reproduced printed pictures—illustrated books, almanacs and mythological images—became available to the common people. This became an important vehicle of social change because people could own, produce and disseminate images of all kinds—from their beloved deities and favourite fictional characters to political cartoons critiquing colonial authorities. Printmaking was equally treasured by artists for its aesthetic potential, as techniques like lithography, etching, metal engraving, viscosity, gave practitioners infinite opportunities for creative exploration. This landmark exhibition gives us a comprehensive overview of the history of the printed picture in India.
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Institutional CollaborationsIndia Modern: Narratives from 20th Century Indian Art$1.00
This exhibition takes us on a journey into the lives and works of artists from a diverse range of traditions and practices. Despite differences in technique, philosophy and politics, they are united by an attempt to forge a new language of Indian art which rebels against existing visual vocabularies while seamlessly combining influences from European modernism and the rich history of visual arts from South Asia. This assimilation is achieved in different ways. From M. F. Husain’s figurative renditions of Indian deities to the many languages of abstraction developed by artists like Ram Kumar, Ganesh Haloi and others—we see artists responding variously to the socio-cultural problems of a post-colonial nation.
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Art FairsMasterpiece$0.00
For the third year running, DAG participated at the Masterpiece London 2018, the UK’s leading cross collecting fair for art, design and collectibles. For this edition, DAG’s focus was sharper, and created a narrative for Indian modern art that addressed a sophisticated, discerning audience. Bikash Bhattacharjee F N Souza G R Santosh Jamini Roy Krishen Khanna M F Husain Rabin Mondal Ram Kumar Rameshwar Broota Shanti Dave Tyeb Mehta
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Art FairsArt Dubai$0.00
For its debut participation in the modern section of Art Dubai 2017, DAG focussed on the unconventional theme of Neo-Tantra as a way of bringing India’s unique school of abstraction to global attention. The booth featured works by two of the country’s leading practitioners of this school—G. R. Santosh and Biren De. The stunning, colour- and energy-filled canvases drew all eyes towards itself, making it the singularly most-visited booth in the section.
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ArtistsKisory Roy$0.00Well-known for his landscape paintings, Kisory Roy was inspired to take up the arts by his father, who worked for the railways and was an occasional painter. Winning a school competition led Roy to the Government School of Art, Calcutta, where he studied from 1931-37. Under Mukul Dey, he learnt to work in several mediums like watercolour, oil, charcoal, and crayon. Learn More
ArtistsKalighat Pats$0.00The Kalighat temple came up in Calcutta in 1809, drawing communities of traditional artisans who began to produce pats or paintings on religious and mythological themes, sold to the pilgrims as souvenirs. Traditionally painted on cloth accompanied by vocal renditions of the illustrated, these pats were now produced by the largely anonymous pat makers, or patuas, on paper—cheap and easily accessible—in response to urban needs. They remained popular till the early decades of the twentieth century. Learn More
ArtistsJogesh Chandra Seal$0.00Jogesh Chandra Seal was an active member of the enthusiastic art scene of Calcutta in the early decades of the twentieth century. However, due to his short life of thirty-one years, he could not leave behind a comprehensive body of work. His academic oil paintings, Untitled (Disappointed), 1919, and Lady Lighting a Diya, 1921, have recently appeared at international auctions, bringing spotlight on this accomplished artist who was closely associated with the values of the Bengal School of painting. Learn More
ArtistsBireswar Sen$0.00A miniature landscape artist par excellence, Bireswar Sen is known for evolving a unique style wherein he painted vistas of the gigantic Himalayas and the deep valleys on a minuscule scale. Learn More